This posting is a collage that I made of photos I recently took of my friend, Jenn. I am also posting the images separately that are in the collage.
Thanks Jenn for letting me "shoot" you!! 

Two cute 3 yr olds!
Lazy Lucy!
Caught Red Handed
A Three Year Old's Sleepover!
Water Dam Building Boys!
Tunnel Crawlers!
A Bike Ride!
Water Blowing FUN! Princess Lucy!
Leap Playing Fun!
Dad and the kids
My Little Cheeser! Sibling Love!
A rugged little girl who loves her dresses... even in the creek!
Mommy and her little girl. Finally a photo of me!
A football pass off the diving board. Ilove that I got him "walking on air"!
Mema warming up her little girl!