Six years ago today it was a beautiful sunny September day, many schools were having the first day of school. I was at the hospital preparing to bring my baby girl into the world. K, J, and I loaded up and headed to the hospital in the morning. In the afternoon K headed out with my cousin and my mom and J's mom came to watch the baby girl enter this world. Fast forward 6 years and it is a rainy yucky day outside and again the first day of school. My baby girl is 6 today and she is entering 1st grade. It may be yucky outside but we have made it a wonderful day inside for the birthday girl!
G and Mommy

G and Daddy

G getting her ears pierced this past February!
Little did we know that all the rain that we got on her birthday would lead to a huge flood in our county and the neighboring counties. This flood has left many people with out their homes and stores to temp. close due to all the water. We had to evacuate in the middle of the night after the birthday girl spent the evening so worried as to what would happen. We had no power for a week and lost our furnace and hot water heater. We stayed with family for a week, and we thank you very much