I had the pleasure to shoot this great dog for a great couple. My only wish was that I was shooting Rory for a different reason. Rory was getting sick and they were getting close to having to put him down. Tina and Mike wanted some photos of them with Rory and some alone. She was not interested at first and did not like the flash, but we finally coaxed her into cooperating. We were even able to get the guinea pigs in the shoot as well.
I am glad that we did that because shortly after they put Rory down Cinnamon got sick too. They lost Rory and Cinnamon in a very short period of time. I am just glad that I was able to give Tina and Mike a few great photos of their beloved pets.

Tina told me that she was very happy with this image because you can see a little bit of the sparkle in Rory's eyes. You can see the difference from this photo and the first photo. The first one Rory there is sadness in the eyes and this one you can see the sparkle.

This image was actually one of the first ones taken while trying to coax Rory into the idea of the shoot.

Rory with Butterscotch (the lighter guinea pig) and Cinnamon (who has a bad hair day every day, this was told to my daughter while we were there to inform her who was who)
I LOVE this photo. Rory relaxed and "smiled" a little while laying nicely with the guinea pigs.

Eating their favorite snacks... Cheerios!

This one is great because Butterscotch is "talking" and Cinnamon is looking at the camera.
Thank you, Tina & Mike for letting me come into your home and give you the images of the memory of your beloved pets that will last you your life time!
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