Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Woody & Jesse Halloween

Woody & Jesse. Better known as Connor and Grace. Born 9 days apart these cousins are a lot like siblings. They enjoy spending time together. Every year we have coordinated their Halloween costumes. This year they really enjoyed watching Toy Story, so we thought of this as the theme for Halloween. At first we tried to get Grace to be Boo Peep, but she decided on Jesse!
My Favorite Jesse! (Grace)

My favorite Woody! (Connor)

Enjoying some swing time. I love how these actually look old!!

Letting me know that they are all done.
We had fun shooting these photos. They love dressing up as Woody & Jesse.
I look forward to what we may find to coordinate them as for next year.
I'm hoping we can find something that we can include Cameron in too.
Let us know if you have any suggestions!!

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