Saturday, November 5, 2016

Time does not stop

I have realized that time does not stop, no matter how hard we might want it to sometimes, it just keeps going... As I look back on this past year I realize this even more, how there is just never enough time to do the things you want to do. My kids are growing too fast, my oldest is out on his own trying to find his place in this world and my youngest just started middle school. It is true what they say "Don't blink or it will be gone." With this said,  I"m always taking photos with my camera or with my phone, but I always try to capture what I can. The kids sometimes get annoyed with me, they'd rather be taking their own selfies. Some day when they are grown and have families of their own they will be thankful of the photos and the memories that they bring back for them.

Looking at my Blog I realized that it is time to get back to sharing all the awesome people I have had the opportunity to have in front of my camera. I am going to play recap and share some sessions that I was not able to share over the last 2 years. Seniors and Proms, Engagement Sessions, a wedding as well as some images I captured at my sisters wedding, and 2015 Holiday Sessions.

Life is too short not take time to take time to capture memories to look back on. I enjoy helping families capture some of these memories. What better time of year to capture a family memory then the holidays. Capturing your family in a photograph at the end of each year is a great way to look back at how everyone has grown and changed from year to year.

As I share some of the awesome individuals and families that have been in front of my camera and share some of the story with you, I hope you take this time to reflect on your own family and its story. As you do that I hope you also think about considering KGR Photo to help you capture a family memory this Holiday season.

Trisha Russell
KGR Photography

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