Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hailey Mae- 6 Months

I can not believe that this little one is already 6 months. We shot these photos at the Cutler Gardens on Front St in Binghamton. She is sitting up a little on her own in these photos, but we had to be quick! I have to say that I really love this spot to shoot little girls at. There was just so much opportunity there.
These two are great. They were some of the first ones that I shot as we got her to sit on her own, with mom just outside the photo.

This one here is a favorite of mine and her Mommy's. (It is the one that she took as her 8x10)

Hailey with Mommy and Daddy, sitting inside the gazebo.
Having a private moment with Daddy.Mommy and me!
This one here was part of a great series that she was just checking out the daisy that I had given her to distract her. She really was enjoying the daisy.

Some more of my favorites of her with the daisy.
We were trying to get her to sit again in a different spot towards the end of the shoot. I think that she was getting tired out, so instead I shot this one of mommy holding her up.
I love that I was able to capture this moment of her and daddy.

I just want to say that it is always great to see you guys and watch how she had grown between shoots. Looking forward to our next shoot in Sept. I can not believe that she is that close to 9 months old.
Thank you, for allowing me to capture her first year in photos.

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