Thursday, December 29, 2011

Meet Nancy

I first met Nancy about a year and a half ago. When we met we hit it off right away. We discovered that we both had sons the same age who played indoor soccer. So, when she came to me and asked me to shoot her photos for a website that she was starting for motivational speaking. She had told me that she wanted to do some near water and a well. I told her that I had the perfect spot for the water but was not sure on the well. Nancy found one in a family's front yard that she fell in love with and asked the couple if we could shoot there. They were fine with us using their lawn and the well. So we started at the house with the well and then headed to the waterfalls. We then ventured out to this pond that I was sure I could find again after taking photos there "forever" ago. Well we did not find the pond and ended up with a scratch on Nancy's face and me stuck in the mud, but we did great photos at the first 2 locations.
The wishing well was made by the couples son and had thier last name engraved in it. It was beautiful and once I seen it I knew why Nancy wanted this well for her photos.

This tree was also in the couples front yard and I loved it so we took photos in front of the tree before we headed to the waterfalls.

Here are a few of my favorites from the waterfalls. We got very lucky that it had rained for a few days before the shoot and the water was flowing full force!

It was a little cold but Nancy had no problem taking off her shoes and getting a little wet.

Nancy I am so glad that I could shoot these photos for you and can not wait to see the website and which photo you choose for it! Good luck to you!

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