Friday, November 30, 2012


This week I have more back shoots to share with you, but today I must
honor Grace's pet hamster, Peaches.
Peaches passed away during the night last night and we found her this morning, and it was not a good way to start the day. But after some snuggling and crying Grace made it off to school.
As you can tell from the collage that I have created below she was a very loved hamster. Peaches allowed Grace to hold her all the time and seemed to enjoy the silly things that grace would do with her, like putting Peaches on Grace's head while she danced around the living room (I thought that I had a photo of this but could not find it). She only escaped a few times on us and that was only because her cage was left open, but we always found her and returned her to her "home". She loved running in her wheel and even her ball outside her cage. She definitely was not your typical hamster. Peaches you were loved very much and will be missed greatly!

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