Sunday, June 15, 2014

Caleb 4 week Newborn Shoot- Oneida, NY

 We all have one of those best friends that is like a sibling to us, that our kids call "aunt/uncle", well that is M and I. She is the God Mother to both of my kids and they are proud to call her aunt. I have waited since I become a mom myself for her to become one too. She was always the friend that we all knew would be a mom and take great honor in that title. And she has not fallen short of that thought at all. She is an awesome mother and her husband is a awesome dad too! Also, I am honored to have this little call me Aunt one day. Ya, I know when he starts talking.

So, to introduce you to this wonderful little guy...
He entered the world in May and he was a a long awaited baby. His parents married in  2008. They started their journey to become parent soon after. After a very long journey they finally got pregnant. They were in town in summer of 2012 and M handed me a jewelry gift box. She said it was what S had given her for her anniversary that year. When I opened the box it took a second to register what I was seeing. What I saw inside that box was a positive pregnancy test! I was so excited for them. I literary was jumping up and down!  They live a couple hours away and two weeks after my surgery my family ventured up to see them. I could not wait as it has been several weeks since I had seen him last and this was going to be the first opportunity for me to have him in front of my camera. 
He just celebrated his first birthday and I can not wait to share those photos with you too, very soon. But until then enjoy baby Caleb's 4 week shoot.

M loves frogs so I had to make sure that I got a shot with the frog hat.

 A smile! This was something rare in this shoot. For some reason he wanted to be serious in between not being a happy little camper.

 Wearing one of Daddy's ties. I got to pick out the tie to use and loved the color combo in this one. I think it looks great one Caleb too!

 For the shower M requested that everyone bring a book instead of a card to build library for the little guy. I came across this book and gorilla set after the shower and brought it up with me for this visit. I was excited when he started to dose off. It was perfect for the title of the book to capture him sound asleep with the gorilla. 

To end the shoot a collage of all his cute baby parts. Little hands, little toes, nose ears, and eyes!

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