Monday, January 30, 2012

Jamie Senior 2012

Meet Jamie- she is a 2012 Senior! We started out to do her shoot one evening and were cut very short due to my car battery dieing and it getting very dark very fast. We took the first image that first night. We then headed out about a week later and in the evening again. Even though it was getting dark again we still got them all done. We did some at Otsiningo Park and then headed done to the Washington St Bridge and did a bunch there. She also wanted some done in front of all three schools that she attended, there was a sneak peek of some of these images, so we stopped at them to wrap up the shoot.

Yes, she is sitting on a garbage can. She insisted, so that is what we did. I like this one the best of this set of photos. The light partial in the background and her looking off to the side just say something nice about her sitting on a garbage can.

It started to sprinkle some and I love that I was able to capture the raindrops resting on the rails.

This was one outfit that she could not wait to shoot in. These 4 were my favorites in this outfit, so I decided to make them into a collage. It is a little hard to tell, but the bottom left where you can see her sneakers, are Batman Converse.

These last three images are ones that we took at the schools that she attended.

I had a good time shooting these with Jamie. She was a great subject and had some fun ideas of her own (garbage can and Batman outfit for example). Congrats on your final year of high school best of luck to you in your future, Jamie. I hope that these photos bring memories for years to come.

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