Sunday, December 8, 2013


As 2013 is nearing to an end, I thought that I would share some of the many things that I realize...

1. I am still so very far behind in posting photo shoots. As I have just finished sharing 2012's shoots 
with you.

2. I have said so many times in past postings that I would not allow myself to get behind like this again. But yet I find myself still there.

3. The reason I am so far behind in sharing shoots with you is because life happens... I know that
 there are lots of you that relate to that statement. 

4. I had an awesome year of shoots in 2013, not that any other year was not awesome too, and am finding myself in a place of some free time to play catch up. FINALLY!

Now a few things that I have realized not involving blog posts...

5. Our kids grow up too quickly... and there is nothing we can do to stop them.
 My oldest is just over a month away from turning 18, and becoming man. My youngest just turned 8 
and I don't know where the last 8 years have gone, let alone the last 18....

6. Family is very important. Keeping track of family memories is just as important.
 Because someday they will be gone and having photos and the memories in our heads keeps 
them alive inside of us.

7. As we grow we learn who and what really matters to us. There are some many things that we 
think matter or are important and when times passes and we look back and reflect we realize that
 they really were/are not that important.

8. That it is OK to let go of the control we feel that we have to have on things and let someone
 else be in control.
 This statement means so many different things. Like letting go of some of the control on our kids and letting them make their own choices, even when we don't agree with them.
 Or when there is something that you do well and have a hard time letting someone else do that thing for you.
(like letting someone else photograph my family without trying to pose us myself.)

9. People come in and out of lives and the important ones are never far away. We may not see each other everyday or even once a month or longer but when we need them they are never far away.

10.... let me think on this one.

So going back to number 6 and number 8-
We have finally had the opportunity to have a family shoot with my sisters and their families. The last time that we did this was before my youngest was born and my sister's first was born. We met up last weekend for a fun outdoor winter shoot with Julie Gendron.

Two of the photos were shared on facebook today, Thank you Julie for the great photos.
  and I thought that I would share them as well. As soon as I have disk in hand, ok maybe not as soon cause some will be Christmas gifts, I will share some more. 

The whole crew.

 Just the kids.

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